The Inspiration of Stats

mapI remember way back in June of 2012, before our roadschooling adventure had even begun, I posted about stats, and how darned exciting they were. And they are! It still gives me a thrill to write for an actual audience of actual people, especially when they come from so many different places. As a kid, I used to cut maps out of National Geographic magazines and stick them in a scrapbook, just because I liked them, so when I see that WordPress map with the countries of my “visitors” coloured in – well, you can imagine my excitement. And even though I only posted four times in 2014, I received my “Blog Report” on Dec. 31 informing me that in the past year I had 2900 visitors from 78 different countries. From four posts! I need to get back at it – imagine what would happen if I blogged once a week, or even once a month. Actually, that seems like a reasonable goal – once a month. Starting tomorrow. Promise.

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6 thoughts on “The Inspiration of Stats

  1. Nita Clayton

    That’s amazing. X

  2. Isn’t it amazing/curious? I haven’t posted since February and still have average of 5 visitors a day. I wonder how they find us! Guess I should get working on “Leaving Wadi Rum – Part 2″….I promise if you promise! Great seeing you and the family on Christmas Eve. Take care…at the airport now for the start of my next adventure.

  3. Jennifer Lovelock

    I shall check – a promise is a promise! A. J x

  4. We’re going to hold you to that promise…. 😉

    I know what you mean, though. I’m amazed by how many visitors I get too. I wonder if any of them are repeat visitors and that they’d be interested enough to come back…I’m humbled by it, actually. I wish they’d leave comments, though. Don’t you. 🙂

    And just as an extra boost to your blog, I’m going to share it with the Roadschooling Google+ community. You should check them out. They have some cool shares.

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