Posts Tagged With: lonely planet

Too Much Technology?

One of the things we have been trying to figure out is what technology we need to take with us as we travel? We need a device on which we can access the internet the majority of the time we are away, so we figured an ipad with 3G would be best; we’ve been looking at those. We got our daughters netbooks for Christmas, but are now wondering if we could have managed with just one – we thought one each so that when we are doing “school work” they could all work together, but now that one daughter got an ipod touch for Christmas it seems everything you could ever need is right there on that! So, what do we keep and what do we ditch??

I’ve been trying to plan our travels online for the past six months or so, but I just bought a Lonely Planet’s Europe on a shoe string travel guide, and it has given me the first semblance of a plan (which six months on the internet did not manage to do!). Maybe we are feeling like we need to rely too heavily on technology. Perhaps the classic guide book and some paper and pens would be enough?

All that remains is to find out which technological items we can return to the stores!

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